Caterpillar Business Strategy for Increasing Revenues
It is the battle of the fittest in the business world. Every company is seeking to grow either to new territories or in existing ones on the expense of competitors. Businesses that are not able to grow wither in the competitive global market. Today there is no pure -local market-; everyone wants to be everywhere. The global business world is becoming a -local market- and it is getting smaller. If during the 1990’s branding was the main marketing strategy for a company, and defining a specific market segment was necessary for gaining expertise and market definition, during 2012 and beyond there will be less companies that will strategically brand themselves into one product line. Companies will try to go out of their market niche earlier in the company’s life span than before. Long term and short term strategy will change, and we will find more and more companies widening their product array to the point that these products won’t have a direct connection to each other. This means that companies’ strategic way of thinking will be one of profiting from what the market wants; in essence – -Caterpillar Business Strategy-. The -Caterpillar Business Strategy- is basically another way of looking at the global market. This course of action is defined by seizing your opportunities regardless of brand marketing, market niche and international identity. The main aspect to be considered is global trends and profit opportunities. Why -Caterpillar-? Because every company today has basic legs on which they stand upon. These legs are connected to the body but also to each other. This organization structure has a lot of downsides to it that will be detriment in future global comparative abilities. The caterpillar has many more legs, which are not connected to each other, so if one of them falls it is still stable. In addition, it is near the ground because of its long horizontal structure. It is also agile so it can cope with changes. With all these attributes the caterpillar is the best alternative for future strategic business development planning and company structure. In the end it is all about growing within the global business world, in which it is more and more difficult to survive. Companies have to find more sophisticated business expansion strategies, adopt structural changes and have greater safety nets when the going gets rough. This -Caterpillar business strategy- is an exsellent solution.